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Home Here Is Why You Might Need To See a Dental Specialist

Here Is Why You Might Need To See a Dental Specialist

Posted on 10/25/2021 by OM
Here Is Why You Might Need To See a Dental SpecialistOur general dentists in our offices can perform almost any dental procedure, but in some particular cases, we might need a specialist. Dental specialists are personnel trained in a particular area of ??dentistry for more than three years.

There are various types of specialists, highlighting orthodontists, periodontists, and oral pathologists. Each one with its specific functions and specific field. If we had to talk about the functions of all the specialties that exist, we would need years to achieve it, since they exist from those who are responsible for creating prosthetics for damaged teeth to those specialized in root canals. There is a specialist for each case.

Getting The Right Dental Specialist

Generally, there are three occasions in which our dentists recommend attending a specialist, where the eye of a specialized staff is useful and necessary. Our specialists deal with the most complicated cases on a daily basis, it is part of their routine.

When our dentists notice something but are not sure what it could be, they usually choose to refer you, in order to determine the etiology of what they see and to implement a treatment protocol.

The second case, when our general dentists can identify a pathology, but have doubts as to whether they are the most appropriate to solve them. Our professionals want the best for you, and that is why they will refer you to our best specialists to help you.

Making The Right Decision

The last case is when the treatment is doubtful, for example, in case a canal is so damaged that it is not sure if it is worth repairing, so our specialists can propose another plan of action. In our offices, we have all kinds of professionals who together create a team that will strive to meet all of your dental health needs. To get the care you deserve, please come to our offices and meet us today.

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Smile More Spokane Family Dentistry, 9671 North Nevada St. ste. 200, Spokane, WA 99218-1146 ^ (509) 505-6303 ^ ^ 1/10/2025 ^ Associated Words: dentist Spokane WA ^